Graphic showing RGB as an Additive color and CMYK as a Subtractive color

CMYK vs RGB and What Is Best for Printing

RBG Colors – Red, Green & Blue These primary colors are best for digital work. Generally used for computer monitors, digital cameras, smart phones, scanners, TV screens, etc. RGB color mixing is an “ADDITIVE PROCESS.“ The digital world starts from blackness and adds varying intensities of red, green and blue light. To then create the […]

Desk showing examples of Suntec printed logos on letterhead, business cards, envelopes, etd.

How to Choose Paper for Printing Your Next Project

Clients often ask us how to choose paper for printing. It’s best to always keep the end use and the project purpose in mind when choosing paper type for printing. The paper you select can have a substantial impact on the overall feel and look of your finished project. In this post, our Phoenix printers […]

Graphic of a businessman with briefcase, cape and telescope at the top of stairs with the caption "Searching for Growth"

Growth Opportunities Through Print Marketing

The Age Old Discussion of Print vs Digital Before we dig into all the materials, products, and print marketing campaigns, let’s take a second to discuss the difference between print vs digital in the marketing world. When marketing your business, there are the two main forms to choose from: digital and print. Both methods are […]